Friday, September 29, 2017

F.P. Friday

It's Friday again- you know what that means- Funny Photo Friday! So here is this week's installment! Have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Johnny Appleseed Day

Happy Johnny Appleseed Day! Today would have been his 243rd birthday! We celebrated by learning how apples grow and listening to a story about Johnny on the ipad! We even made our own cooking pot hats!! Here are some photos!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Caramel Apple Pie Bombs

Hello! This week we are going to be learning all about Apples! I thought that we would kick the week off by making a delicious treat! Today the kids helped make some yummy caramel apple pie bombs! They helped unwrap the caramel, they added the apples to their pastry, and then helped wrap them up and coat them in cinnamon sugar!! We baked them and then had had a special snack! Here are the pictures!

And of course, if I want to get a nice picture- we have to have a silly one too! :)