Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday, Monday

Well we are officially in our second week of preschool! The first one went so well- that I knew that we would run into some adjustment issues here and there. The kids are more comfortable around each other and it shows by the noise level in our room sometimes! ;) We will be continuing to work on making sure that we are talking nicely to our friends and using our inside voices when we are playing with our new friends! For art today we painted our hands to the colors of the rainbow to create a classroom hand print wreath! It will hang under our clock once it gets done!

Friday, August 28, 2015


Hello! We have had a great first week of preschool here in the Busy Bee room! Since we have had such a fantastic week I introduced the kids to Free Center Friday. It was a concept that I came up with last year to help reward the kids for having  a great week as a class. It is as simple as the name suggests. On the weeks where the kids have been great listeners I let them pick out their own centers to play with on Fridays. The kids were soooo excited to get to play with centers that they havent been able to all week. They were so happy- it was great!! We also made first week of preschool mobiles. They got to draw a picture of their teacher, a new friend that they met, their favorite thing that they did this week, and they got to stamp their hand! They are super awesome and are hanging in the wall above our circle time area. Unfortunately I forgot to take any pictures today, so there are no new ones to share. I hope that you have a great weekend and I will see you on Monday!!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Day #4

Hello! We had another great day in the Busy Bee room!! The kids are starting to feel more comfortable around each other so they are playing together really well now!! For art today the kids looked into the mirror and drew self-portraits. They looked to see what color eyes they had and what their hair looked like and then colored drew it on their paper! They looked really cute! The kids have been begging to bring art home so today I let them put them in their files to take home! Our Field Trip/ Special Days list went out into files today so be sure to check them this afternoon to get those!! Here are some pictures from our day!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What A Wednesday!

Hello again! Today was a great Wednesday! We only had 8 friends today but it was a good chance to get to know each other a little better with a little bit smaller class. We have switched our schedule around a little in the mornings - we will now be having our large motor time from 8:00-8:20, bubble boxes from 8:20-8:40, and our calendar time from 8:40-9:00. It was an easy adjustment for the kids! Today we did a name page for our writers workshop and then made rainbow names with our dauber markers for art! The kids are doing a great job of just playing with the centers that I have chosen for center time (even though I know they are dying to get out every single toy!!) It was a successful third day! Here are some pictures from the last couple of days!!