Monday, August 24, 2015


Hello and welcome to the Busy Bee room's classroom blog!! This is where I will be posting pictures and a little information about what is going on daily in our room! I will try to update it everyday but I know me and sometimes I will forget! :) Today we had a great first day and first day back of Preschool! The kids did such a great job at drop off this morning (I was super impressed!!) We had lots of things to do today so we kicked off our work early this morning and made first day of preschool hats. We then moved into bubble centers (manipulatives that we play by ourselves). We than had our first calendar time together! The kids did a great job sitting and learning how I do our calendar time (its a little different from the other rooms) and then we got to play outside for a little while. After a yummy snack of cheese curds and crackers the kids got to play puzzles or look at books while I got our tables cleaned off and ready for our big circle time. During circle time we discussed choices. We talked about what makes a good choice and what makes a sad choice and then we all sorted out some pictures that I had printed into the two categories. They did a great job deciding what was a good choice and what was a sad choice. We then talked about what rules we should have in the busy bee class and they did a great job coming up with them! We then played a little get to know our friends game and learned about what our friends like to eat! We then moved into our writers workshop time and the kids colored and wrote a Chester page from the book The Kissing Hand. I also read the book to them as they worked on it! We then did art altogether- we made kissing hands and then they got to play at centers! Our morning goes quickly after that with a bible story and outside time! It was a great first day! I will be posting pictures as soon as I learn who is able to be on the blog! Thanks for checking it out!!

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